African Professional Hunters Association
"neither fear nor foolhardiness".
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Written by one of our APHA members, Danene van der Westhuyzen. http://fromtheveld.com/
This book is filled with recipes that were developed over the years by Danenes’ family, friends, and fellow Namibians, and perfected at Aru Game Lodges, Kalakwa and Veronica. Follow the menus or experiment with different combinations. ”I’ve included my favourite game choices, but feel free to try different game substitutes.
With this book of recipes and reflections, I want to share our approach to using nature’s gifts thoughtfully and imaginatively. At a time when all of us seek a more meaningful way of life, this book speaks to resilience and respect for nature”.
These recipes are a tribute to all those who remember our Namibian sunsets and camel-thorn wood fires, and to those who hope to savor them soon.
15% of the profit of this book goes towards conservation efforts in Namibia, through the Namibia Chamber of Environment (NCE) – please contact them for any further support towards our wildlife and conservation.
Robin Hurt grew up in Kenya and shot his first buffalo and leopard before he was in high school. Once he started hunting professionally, he did not shy from taking on risks. He guided clients to where the largest heads were, and that included Zaire when it was wild and dangerous and Sudan when rival tribal factions were at war.
He hunted during the “golden era” of the African safari when Kenya was in its heyday, Zambia was renowned for its hunting fields, and the entire Big Five could be shot in Tanzania in a few days. And wherever he went, he got exceptional trophies for his clients.
FACING DOWN FEAR touches briefly on my unsettled youth, and how I finally found and began to live a dream. My story ambles from the Orange Free State to Cape Town in South Africa, to Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and East Africa, experiencing bush life in a wide circle through Tanzania, Zambia, Mozambique, Namibia and Botswana, before finally settling back in Zimbabwe.
These are campfire tales of a few of my adventures along the way, and the people – and dogs – who have travelled with me; stories of a loner, who was able to come and go as the wind called, woven into the tapestry of a life well lived.
I hope that in this memoir I have been able to share what I have learnt; that facing down fear – of danger, of pain, of harm, of loss – can lead to a rich and rewarding life. I hope too that I have shared my love for Africa, its spectacular wild places and its beautiful wildlife – an Africa that I pray we will be able to preserve for future generations.
This has been a labour of love, and I hope you will enjoy your walk with me.
Zimbabwe is one of Africa's major big game hunting destinations and Pete Fick is one of Zimbabwe's best known professional hunters. Pete originally joined the Parks Dept to engage in dangerous game culling (esp. elephant) during which time he shot over 1,000 elephants, plus many buffalo, lion and leopard. Later he became a professional hunter and hunted in Chewore, Matetsi, Ngamo, Kazuma and Save Valley. Pete has many nicknames. Gazi, meaning blood, is one because Pete is always happy when there is blood in the back of his truck. His other nickname is Tsetsere, meaning honey badger, because ie is stubborn and tenacious. Most of Pete's stories are about hunting dangerous game and there is a moving story about the death of his tracker. After 30 years afield, Pete elected to go on his own and is now associated with the Bubye Valley conservancy. If you ever plan to hunt in Zimbabwe, this book is a must.
Description by: Ellen Enzler-Herring, Trophy Room Books
It is said that the elephant embodies the spirit of the African wilderness, that no tract of country is truly wild if there are no elephants in it. Kai-Uwe Denker is one of Africa's most successful elephant hunters and a former President of the Namibia Professional Hunters' Association. He is also a noted author. About the Spirit of the African Wilderness is not only a fascinating book on hunting the African elephant, but also a story of trophy elephant hunting as a means of conservation. It deals with hunting old elephant bulls and considers them the most awe inspiring animals on the African game fields. Most hunting is in Namibia's northern Kalahari (where the big bulls roam) and where hunting is done in the vastness of a pristine pathless wilderness and on foot. Kai-Uwe talks about the fine art of elephant tracking, equipment, and other issues relevant to elephant hunting. Importantly, these are not hunts from yesteryear. Virtually all hunting in this book has been done within the past 20 years! These engrossing stories take place within our collective recent memory. And the trophy photos, again all from recent hunting sessions, give testimony that Kai-Uwe Denker know how to hunt these big tusked elephants. The book starts with an impressive day amidst the vast African wilds (a great hunting story), covers the game fields of the Dark Continent, talks about the elephant as a game animal, the fine art of tracking (including recognizing tracks of young and old elephant bulls, the spell of Ivory, elephant hunting, equipment, adventurer's paradises and much more. In the not too distant future this book will stand alongside the great elephant hunting classics as one of the best on the subject, albeit from a more recent period. In recent times there is no one who comes close to Denker in describing so many successful hunts for big ivory.